
WC BackHoe was established February 2006 by Wayne Campbell. After a year of owning and running a 2004 Kubota BX23 Tractor it was time to start the business. The Kubota BX23 was purchased in December of 2004. In March of 2005 the purchase of a 12000lb Canada Dump Trailer was an asset. It meant that I now had a transportation means for the BX23 as well as the capability of Gravel Delivery.


The Company was still not ready as the FORD F150 did not have the towing capacity to haul the gravel efficiently. The Dump Trailer is rated at 12000 lbs which means a Gravel Load of 4 Tons (trailer weight 1.75). The F150 was capable of towing 3 Ton (Gravel weight 1). The Trailer was just a means for transporting the Kubota Bx23. January 2006 a new FORD F350 was ordered with a towing capacity of 12500lbs. The Company was now ready!! 

2006 F350
2006 F350 1

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